Advertisements Between 6 and 12 months of age… The following is an excerpt from my book From Rattles to Writing:…
Advertisements I recognize that my balance has decreased during my 70 years of movement! My favorite exercises are swimming, dancing…
Advertisements Hurray for independent sitting!!!!
Advertisements IMPROVING SITTING BALANCE Good sitting balance frees up your baby’s hands to engage in play. Betweensix and twelve months,…
Advertisements I was inspired to write the following post by reading the story in The Boston Globe about New Hampshire,…
Advertisements The following post explains the impact of early reflexes on the development of hand skills. When the baby…
Advertisements The Kindle edition of From Rattles to Writing: A Parent’s Guide to Hand Skills is available at the following…
Advertisements Low muscle tone is also called “hypotonicity” and casually as “floppy like a ragdoll “… Many of my…