Good sitting balance frees up your baby’s hands to engage in play. Between
six and twelve months, your baby will learn to independently sit in the
following sequence:
Six to Twelve Months
- for an indefinite period using hands on knees for support
- without using hand on knees or floor for support for up to ten
minutes - while maintaining balance to twist and pick up objects
- Encourage your baby to hold her head up while sitting by having her look into a mirror, at your face, or at interesting toys positioned at or above eye level. Gently stroking the back of her neck and back will stimulate the muscles that help her sit up tall. Another strategy to promote sitting balance is to sit her in a corner. The two walls will give her a little extra support as she twists to reach toward toys placed near her left and right sides.
Here are a couple of strategies that involve developing sitting balance while sitting in a laundry basket or box…..
…..and I recommend avoiding these floor seats….