Advertisements Many if not most (or all, in my humble opinion) individuals on the autism spectrum have sensory modulation challenges…
Advertisements Adding vibration to any shape sorter provides motivating sensory stimulation…. Individuals who seek heavy pressure proprioceptive stimulation may enjoy…
Advertisements Learn more about low vision strategies at the following links:
Advertisements While typically developing babies naturally respond positively to calming, slow movement, swaddling or being held tightly to receive deep…
Advertisements Weight bearing leads to rocking on hands and knees, crawling and climbing over small obstacles on your carpet or…
Advertisements Bubble wrap is also great for developing hand strengthen and motor planning skills…
Advertisements The vestibular sensory receptors inside the inner ears react to changes in head position and movement. Children (and adults)…
Advertisements Adding vibration to activities is incredibly motivating as well as providing beneficial proprioceptive sensory stimulation.