Develop Motor Planning Skills by Opening up Clothing Fasteners

Opening up clothing fasteners is a lot easier than closing them. So I created an activity that involves opening up…

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Make a Simple Shape Sorter for Children with Developmental Delays

Adding vibration to any shape sorter provides motivating sensory stimulation…. Individuals who seek heavy pressure proprioceptive stimulation may enjoy the…

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Standing on a Dynamic Surface to Develop Body Awareness, Postural Control and Strength

Standing on a horse during hippotherapy is just one example of using a dynamic surface to promote body awareness, postural…

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Motor Planning Ring Stack used during Hippotherapy

This ring stack has been very useful during hippotherapy as clients sit, kneel, squat or stand while balancing and developing…

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Pushing Spiders or Toys Through Web of Elastics or Rubber Bands

I designed the following activity to provide proprioceptive sensory stimulation when pushing the spiders or other objects through the web…

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Simple Baby High Chair Fine-Motor Activities: Pulling and Pushing

The following Instagram post demonstrates simple fine motor activities that not only entertain…. they teach babies about: Pushing on the…

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