Advertisements Several decades ago- I worked at program that paid individuals to insert 7 tape dispensers inside a bag. They…
Advertisements Strategies to help Baby Find his Feet
Advertisements …. and a Couple more adapted peg activities…
Advertisements The link below shares a blog post that I wrote for my former publisher, Therapro, Inc. They no longer…
Advertisements Here are a few other sensory ideas for children or adults working on reaching, grasping, squeezing or pulling hand…
Advertisements I am retired now from clinical practice, but I can’t stop looking at any activity and tweaking it to…
Advertisements Many simple activities may be adapted with an auditory element to motivate clients of all ages. First, we see…
Advertisements The following post demonstrates a few different activities that involve screwing covers onto the threaded bottle neck pieces: Switches…
Advertisements The following sensory activities are designed for clients with limited cognitive and hand skills. They provide sensory stimulation with…