Make Your Own Manipulation Snow People

Advertisements The possibilities are endless when cutting up plastic containers for seasonal activities. Here are a few easy to make…

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Fun and Effective Activities to Teach Buttoning Skills

Advertisements Dressing skills develop substantially during the 2nd year of life. They are wonderful bilateral activities! Repetitive, button manipulation activities…

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Developing the Tripod Grasp

Advertisements Just as a baby gradually develops more mature grasps (such as the pincer) to hold and manipulate objects, her…

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From Patting to Pincer

Advertisements A fetus’s nervous system enables her to kick, push and reposition while still snug inside the womb. After birth,…

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The Benefits of Adapting Activities with Built-up Handles

Advertisements What Is a Built-Up Handle? A Built-Up or Englarged handle is an adaptation that makes grasping easier. It may…

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Functional Vision Do-It-Yourself Activities

Advertisements What is Functional Vision? In my book From Flapping to Function: A Parent’s Guide to Autism and  Hand Skills,  I…

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How “Success-Only” Activities Promote Learning

Advertisements Many years ago, I worked at a day program training adults with developmental disabilities and noticed that some of…

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Dyspraxia: Strategies for Sensory Processing Disorders

Advertisements   Dyspraxia is one of the 6 subtypes of Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD)  Many children have more than one of…

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