Autism Spectrum Disorders and Handwriting

Handwriting is arguably one of the most difficult fine-motor skills a young child is required to learn. Not every child…

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Make Your Own Manipulation Snow People

The possibilities are endless when cutting up plastic containers for seasonal activities. Here are a few easy to make winter…

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Knots and Bows: Fun and Effective Strategies that Develop Manipulation Skills

Tying shoelaces may be one of the most challenging self-care dressing skills. I encourage caregivers to explore alternatives so that…

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Fun and Effective Activities to Teach Buttoning Skills

Dressing skills develop substantially during the 2nd year of life. They are wonderful bilateral activities! Repetitive, button manipulation activities will…

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Developing the Tripod Grasp

Just as a baby gradually develops more mature grasps (such as the pincer) to hold and manipulate objects, her grasp…

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From Patting to Pincer

A fetus’s nervous system enables her to kick, push and reposition while still snug inside the womb. After birth, the…

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Make a Collage for Occupational Therapy!

What is a Collage? I have always loved making collages… since the first time I squirted glue on a smaller…

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How “Success-Only” Activities Promote Learning

Many years ago, I worked at a day program training adults with developmental disabilities and noticed that some of them…

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How to Promote Bilateral Hand Skills

What are Bilateral Hand Skills? Bilateral means both sides. Between 3 and 6 months of age babies develop the abilities…

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