Advertisements Tying shoelaces may be one of the most challenging self-care dressing skills. I encourage caregivers to explore alternatives so…
Advertisements If your child has been manipulating buttons on oversized dress-up clothing and bags, he may be prepared to button…
Advertisements Many years ago, I worked at a day program training adults with developmental disabilities and noticed that some of…
Advertisements What are Bilateral Hand Skills? Bilateral means both sides. Between 3 and 6 months of age babies develop the…
Advertisements Tummy time has prepared the baby’s forearms and hands to play with toys and crawl, and it also has…
Advertisements Dyspraxia is one of the 6 subtypes of Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) Many children have more than one of…
Advertisements There are several advantages to attaching toys, creating games, and even writing on vertical or angled surfaces as opposed…
Advertisements A baby’s motor development depends on good muscle tone to hold his head up, roll, sit and perform other…