Advertisements Hand Activities while on a Horse motivates, provides sensory-motor stimulation and is Fun! My Early Intervention hippotherapy clients were…
Advertisements Cutting fabric is extremely challenging because it is flimsy and cutting plastic requires good hand strength as well as…
Advertisements ‘I’m really terrified’: Disability rights advocates concerned about return of r-word…. and it’s so understandable, given that the president-elect…
Advertisements A Few Simple Strategies Nesting Cups and Ring Stacks also work on bilateral coordination, as well as Visual-Perception!
Advertisements It appears that the wonderful creator of the Special Needs Book Review- Lorna d’Entremont no longer has the web…
Advertisements Birds, as well as human must coordinate left and right to pedal. This is not easy and that is…
Advertisements From Rattles to Writing to Writing: A Parent’s Guide to Hand Skills will have the new price of $15.00…
Advertisements Here are a couple more sensory bubble wrap ideas….
Advertisements Magnetic materials are great for promoting hand use as clients feel the attraction/repelling tug/pull between objects. The following Instagram…