How “Success-Only” Activities Promote Learning

Many years ago, I worked at a day program training adults with developmental disabilities and noticed that some of them…

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What is a Sensory Modulation Disorder?

Types of Sensory Processing Disorders  Understanding Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) is complex because there are three primary diagnostic groups, and…

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Is it A Sensory Processing Or Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Excerpt from: From Flapping to Function: A Parent’s Guide to Autism and Hand Skills When I hear the word autism…

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Hypotonia, Postural Control and Sensory Processing Disorders

A baby’s motor development depends on good muscle tone to hold his head up, roll, sit and perform other milestones.…

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Seating Adaptations for Sensory Processing Disorders

Benefits of Seating Adaptations Seating adaptations are designed to promote safety, comfort and function. For example, harness straps enable someone…

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Hippotherapy: How a Horse Helps Children with Sensory Processing Disorders

  The healing powers of horses have been recognized for thousands of years with the earliest recorded mention in the…

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How Vibration Helps to Build Fine-Motor Skills

I have found that materials that vibrate often motivate babies, older children and adults with disabilities to grasp and manipulate…

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