How to Promote the Digital Pronate Pencil Grasp


Activities to Promote the Digital Pronate Grasp

Short, thick crayons helps children point the fingers downward because they are too
small to fit inside a fisted hand. Preschool crayons with a large bulb shape on top
also promote a grasp with the fingers facing downward. These crayons open up
the round web space. The web space is the large round space between the thumb and index finger created when they oppose each other to pick up a tiny object or grasp a writing tool. As children develop mature pencil grasps, they typically find it
more comfortable and easier to write when the web space is open.

Continue to offer your child conical-shaped preschool crayons or short, wide pieces of chalk or crayon to encourage grasping with the fingers rather than the palm.
Keep in mind that many two-year-old children are still not ready to use even these larger writing tools and benefit most from activities that build hand strength, dexterity, and reinforce shape concepts.

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