Clear Plastic Tubes for Making Visual-Motor Activities


The tube shown above is filled with small pieces of colorful plastic cut from detergent or dishwash soap bottles. The are fun to watch as the tube tilts side to side and makes a very different and I consider- pleasant sound than the one made by spiralling marbles.

Maintaining ball in center of tube while walking in infinity walk pattern!

I placed tape 2 inches apart at the center of the tube and the goal is to keep the ball in the center while walking. This required a great deal of peripheral vision, balance, motor control and concentration because I had to simultaneously gaze at the ball and follow a path on the floor. I was walking in the figure 8 pattern around the 2 objects on the floor while creating an online seminar. Masking tape or rope laid out in the figure 8 would have worked, as well …..

Non-flexible plastic tubes are also great for insert tasks….

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