Squatty Potty: Adaptive equipment for women who care about Ergonomics!


What’s an ergonomic toilet?

Ergonomics is Ergonomics is the design of work tasks to best suit the capabilities of workers.

Occupational therapists often address ergonomics when assessing a desk, chair and computer workstation. We want the most comfortable and efficient positioning to avoid musculoskeletal injuries. I have been an idiot during my middle age years, ignoring the stress of typing reports and positioning children on horses while performing hippotherapy. I have always had low muscle tone and hypermobile joints. Twenty years ago, after an injury caused by heavy gym weights used incorrectly ( I assume) – I had chronic pain that was cured by a myofascial release therapist …. But a knot, below the scapula (also called a pinched or encapsulated nerve) grew during the Covid years as my life changed (I resigned my job) and the stress of having a mentally ill adult son who never left our property for 2 years- hugely impacted my joints, fascia, strength and I had chronic pain. When I googled ergonomic toilets- I saw a great variety of toilet seats, arm rests, discussion on heights, BUT- no mention of putting a box under my feet so that positioning is optional for my pelvic floor!

Back to Potty Talk

A few weeks ago, I decided to invest $17.00 in the Vagina Coach program taught by Kim Vopni. I absolutely LOVE that she uses the word “vagina” frequently and with pride. (This makes me think of the play- The Vagina Monologues. ) The program is for all women of all ages, shapes and sizes. The thing that we share is problematic vaginas that cause leakage, pain, or prolapse. Visiting a pelvic floor professional seems like common sense, like checking for breast lumps or cavities…. especially after childbirth and in older age… I am 70 years and road my bike 16 miles today before writing this post….


So – in one of Kim’s videos she describes using a box or squatty potty for best positioning. I went on Amazon and bought the cheapest one I could find on Amazon. https://amzn.to/3Zk5cEj

I am using a picture of my new squatty potty. I think that $16.00 is a lot to pay for a piece of plastic…. but you can always use a box ( I am the RecyclingOT!) I like how I can comfortably place both of my feet on it. It’s not super large and in the way…. and look at how nicely it fits when not in use…

Now, naturally you want an idea of what a vagina coach wearing a skeleton suit looks like on the toilet- demonstrating optimal ergonomics for her pelvic floor. So, I am going to take the liberty of sharing this photo from her course and will delete it if she objects…. I decided that she would look much better on the toilet than I would – and I don’t have such a perfect outfit…..

Let’s end vagina stigma…..

Vagina Vagina Vagina Vagina

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