Suspend a Ball to work on Visual-Motor Skills, Postural Control and Bilateral Coordination


Use a rolling pin, cardboard or plastic tube, swimming noodle or make the following “batter” to swat at the suspended ball. This promotes bilateral coordination and visual motor skills as the child keeps eyes on the moving suspended bal. As skill improves, add challenge by standing on a cushion, kneeling, sitting on a therapy ball or some other type of dynamic surface while swatting. The post below shows how to make the “batter” with illustrations from my book The Recycling Occupational Therapist.

If the child, student or client is swatting a ball attached to a sturdy hook on the ceiling- consider making a rubber band ball first….

The above post demonstrates how to make the “Batter”, as well as using it to shoot back and forth during a game of Zoom ball.

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