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About the author

I have been an occupational therapist for over forty years but it wasn’t until I worked with adults with severe developmental disabilities that I discovered a penchant for creating highly effective therapeutic activities out of household materials such as detergent bottles, cardboard boxes and newspapers. My book THE RECYCLING OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST describes how to fabricate and use these activities. There are also additional photos, activities and videos on my Recycling OT website and Facebook page: The Recycling Occupational Therapist.

My book FROM RATTLES TO WRITING: A Parent’s Guide to Hand Skills (2nd ed. sold on Amazon in print and digital editions) is written for parents with typically developing children from ages birth through five years to help develop the skills needed to read and write. In addition, the activity adaptations make learning easier for children with sensory, motor or sensory challenges. From Rattles to Writing is a 2012 winner of the National Parenting Publications Award-NAPPA. This book was previously published by Therapro, Inc. and the reader reviews remain on the Amazon 1st ed. page where it is listed as “out of print” or sold used for a very high price. The revised 2nd edition is identical except for information about the author and publishing,

Now FROM FLAPPING TO FUNCTION: A Parent’s Guide to Autism and Hand Skills is written for parent’s of children who have or they suspect may have have an autism spectrum disorder. Readers will learn how autism impacts the development of hand skills and to use the teaching strategies and adaptations that help children reach their potentials to perform everyday functional activities and academic skills in school.

Finally, a book written for those of you who face caregiving challenges. STILL GIVING KISSES: A GUIDE TO HELPING AND ENJOYING THE ALZHEIMER’S VICTIM YOU LOVE describes the adaptations and activities I designed so that my mother could have the best quality of life when she developed Alzheimers disease. I sell the digital edition on Amazon and the print edition via my website.

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