
Only $25.00 with free shipping in continental United States when purchased with Paypal. These have a spiral binding making it easier to use.

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Sold on Amazon for $35.00 plus shipping.

The therapy products described in this book are made mostly-if not totally from-recycled throwaways. These materials are easily collected, free and versatile. The products can be used over and over again, and created them is fun and rewarding. Although the activities in this book

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From Flapping to Function: A Parent's Guide to Autism and Hand Skills

Sold on Amazon print or digital

Occupational therapist, Barbara Smith shared her creative fine-motor strategies in her groundbreaking book- From Rattles to Writing: A Parent’s Guide to Hand Skills

From Rattles to Writing is temporarily out of print until the publisher sends files and then I will publish it on Amazon....

Now her new book- From Flapping to Function: A Parent’s Guide to Autism and Hand Skills will help children and adults of all ages and ability levels to reach their potential whether at home, school or in the community. This valuable resource explains how and why many children with

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Free Shipping in continental United States when you use Paypal to purchase the print edition.

The link to purchase a digital edition on Amazon is provided below. The title of this book reflects one of the few remaining motor acts my mother was able to perform. Yet, this was a highly significant motor act, one that symbolizes a continuing connectedness
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